About / Why

I've always been intrigued by urban art, whether its random rock-towers, hastily-done stencils, murals, or the occasional name-bomb. I grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where there was a lot of everything. When I moved to Washington, I wouldn't really see much of this urban art unless I was in Seattle. Before going off to college, I saw Bansky's documentary Exit Through the Giftshop, which peaked my interest in urban art again.

Last year, at Western Washington University, my friend and I saw the documentary Bomb It, which really peaked both of our interests, and I started noticing the urban art around campus more and more. I also noticed how often it would get covered up in some places, so I decided it should be recorded in some way.

I started taking pictures of urban art that really grabbed my attention, such as stencils, stickers, little paste-ups, tags, etc. In order for them to be found by others and shared, I started posting them on my Tumblr, as well as advertising what I was doing on the campus' student forums.

I am now going to re-post my better pictures from the Tumblr onto this blog, and then post all new pictures straight here. I'm hoping to have more student involvement with the blog, mainly with submitting pictures of art they've seen on campus. An absolute dream would be if some of the maintenance crew on campus submitted pictures of stencils and tags before they clean them up.